Submit a report

Blowing the whistle

We will do our best to ensure your anonymity. If you are submitting an online form please note that by not checking the box "disclose information" under the "submit report" section of the form we guarantee that anonymity will be maintained. 

Alternatively you can call us free on:

0800 197 2814

The details of your report will be passed on to the designated officer to investigate. You do not have to leave your contact details but it is helpful for us to have the information as we may need to contact you for further information.

If you are willing to give your contact details (name and telephone number or email address) please indicate if you want these to be withheld or disclosed when escalating your report. It is not essential for us to identify you.

CiC, Second Floor, 66-68 East Smithfield, Royal Pharmaceutical Building, London E1W 1AW

© Copyright CNLR Horizons Ltd 2024

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